Thursday, December 25, 2014

Travel Back In Time with The 12 Days Of Christmas

Using Janet Boyer's Back in Time Tarot method let's look at the 12 days of Christmas.

Instead of randomly drawing cards, I chose the cards that, for me,  represent the events of the Christmas story.  The 12 days of Christmas are the 12 days after Christmas leading to the Epiphany.

The star appears to the Magi and they set out on their journey.  We don't know much about these wise men.  In the Bible, only Matthew's Gospel mentions the Magi.  There is no mention of three Kings.  The Magi brought 3 gifts.  From this it was assumed there were 3 men.  They are not named, but later legend gives names to the three Kings.

These men from the East may have been Zoroastrians.  Zoroastrian Priests knew the stars and were known for their knowledge of Astrology.  At the time, astrology was considered a Science.  With most people at the time being illiterate, such learned men would be considered almost magic.  Hence the Magi.  This is why I chose the Magician card to represent the Wise Men in the story.

We do know this, The Magi knew the word of God, saw the sign from Heaven, and were lead to their exact destination by the Star.

The cards I picked for the 12 days of Christmas:

The Star is the guiding light, a wish fulfilled.
The Magician - The Magi is the Mystic, will, power, majesty
The Fool is a leap of faith as the Magi set out on their journey, the rose he holds shows the passion.
The 8 of Cups is a spiritual quest, a pilgrimage
The Emperor is Herod, tyranny and abuse of power are the negative side of the Emperor. The Magi go to Herod to ask if he knows of the child.
The 10 of Pentacles is the Holy Family.  
The Judgement is a major wake up call, the Guardian Angel.  The Magi are told to return by another route and do not tell Herod of their find.
The High Priestess is secrets, wisdom, things hidden.  The Magi keep the secret .
The Moon is dreams and listen to your intuition.Both Joseph and the Wise Men were given warnings in a dream and both listened to the warnings.
The 6 of Swords is travel and leaving a bad situation, an unplanned, "must go" trip
The World means the journey is over a new beginning is at hand
The Ace of Cups is a powerful spiritual awakening. On the card is the hand of God holding a chalice and a dove representing Peace and  the Holy Spirit.
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Winter Solstice and New Moon December 21

Winter officially begins December 21, 2014 at 6:03 pm EST.  This will be the shortest day of the year.  Now we can look forward to the days getting longer.  This year the Winter Solstice coincides with the new moon.

It's time to make a list of your new moon wishes.  New moons are the best time to start manifesting your dreams and wishes.  Equally important is being thankful for all the blessings received no matter how small.  If you can't acknowledge the small gifts, why would you be granted more abundance?

The one card reading for the Winter Solstice - The Page of Cups

Pages bring messages so be prepared for calls, messages about work and social invitations.  Since this card can be an omen of love and romance, maybe you will be asked out on a date?

A problem that seems never ending will get resolved.

The Page of Cups is young and can show immaturity.  Children are represented by this card and along with that goes pregnancy and childbirth.  They may be a Pisces. This child is a loving child.

The Page of Cups may be someone looking at a new religion or a spiritual seeker, possibly a new student. If you have started a new job, you will be learning something new.

Financially the Page of Cups is a good sign.  You will have the money that you need to buy the things you need and want.  The warning is, don't be extravagant.

Write your list of new moon wishes and go out under the stars on December 21st.

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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Long Nights Moon One Card Reading

The days are shorter and the nights are longer, hence the Long Nights Moon.   Also known as the Moon Before Yule, this moon is full today.

The one card reading for the Long Nights Moon:  The Hermit.

Holding a lamp to light the way, the Hermit is not lost, he knows the way. The lamp he carries holds a six pointed star like the seal of Solomon.  With a walking stick for stability, the Hermit has gained the knowledge and lights the way for the rest of us who are searching.

The Hermit can represent a Scientist or Researcher. This can show someone on a spiritual journey.  This card is wisdom and leadership. The card is numbered 9.  Compassion, spirituality, the completion of a cycle are represented by the number 9.

You may have to take a business trip.  At work, others may be coming to you for help.  As far as finances go this card is a good omen.  It can show that you will be recognized at work and will have financial success.  You will have enough money for the things you want to do after paying the bills.

If you have been feeling isolated, a cycle is about to end that will change things for you for the better. An old friend or admirer may contact you.  You will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This card can show that someone is considering a major lifestyle change or a big move.  You will find what you are looking for.  If beginning a new business, it will be successful.  A health issue will turn out not to be a problem.

Know that the worst is over.  Like the full moon, a new cycle is about to begin.

Get out there and soak up the Long Nights Moon rays!

Tarot Readings are 20% off through January 31.  $40 for a complete Tarot Reading.  Gift certificates available if you would like to give someone the gift of a Tarot Reading.  Contact  me at