Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Fun

Do you have any plans for Halloween?  If trick or treating is not on list of things to do, check out haunted hotels, restaurants or bars in your area.  Do some ghost watching!

Here in South Florida, there are quite a few places to find ghosts.  The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables Florida was built in 1925.  The War Department converted the hotel to a hospital during World War II.  Many soldiers were treated and died there.  In 1968 the Biltmore was restored to the grande hotel that it was.  It is said that the 13th floor of the Biltmore is  haunted by soldiers who were treated at the hospital.  On Sundays there is a tour of the property and if the rooms where hauntings have occurred are empty the guide will bring the tour there.

The closest to me is the Blue Anchor British Pub on 804 E Atlantic Ave in Delray Beach, Florida. The Blue Anchor was originally built in 1864 in London, England.  Yes, the United Kingdom.  The bar was closed to "put up a parking lot".  In 1996 the outside of the bar with it's beautiful windows and doors, was shipped to the United States and is the outside of present The Blue Anchor British Pub in Delray Beach.

The bar had a haunted history for more than one hundred years before coming to the U.S.  The Blue Anchor was haunted by a woman named Bertha Starkey.  Bertha was killed at the bar by her jealous husband after being caught with another man.

It seems that Bertha traveled the 4000 miles with the windows and doors and haunts the bar at it's present location in Delray Beach, FL.  I asked the bartender if she had seen the ghost.  No, she had not, but other employees had.

It is also told that in 1888 two of Jack the Rippers victims spent their last night drinking in the Blue Anchor.

Check out your area and see what's around you.  You might be surprised.

The one card reading for Halloween :  9 of Cups

The wish card!  This card brings many blessings and " No holds barred".  My first thought is about all the children trick or treating and getting all the candy they want!  Some kids like this better than Christmas.

The 9 of Cups is satisfaction on all levels.  As an answer the 9 of Cups means yes.  Nines represent completion and the start of a new cycle.  The number 9 can mean a nine month time period so this card can signal pregnancy.

This card shows enjoyment of life and all it has to offer, but remember too much of a good thing is can be dangerous.  The warning is not to enjoy too much!!  Drunkenness, gluttony, selfishness can result if not careful.

Satisfying romantic relationships come with this card.  You may want a new partner to start a new relationship better than you had before.

Luck will be with you if you are bartering.  You may receive a call about work or finances.  It will be good news.  You will get your wish, but it may take a different form than you thought.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

As Seen On TV: Weight Loss, Dr. Oz and Tarot cards

Now that the cat is out of the bag about Dr. Oz and his diet "miracles" millions of us will be wondering how to lose weight.

I embarrassingly confess that I tried 3 miracles touted by Dr. Oz.  The first was Raspberry Ketones.  Before starting the "diet", I pulled 3 cards from my favorite Tarot deck.  I don't remember the exact cards, but I do remember what they said.  A change was needed, my diet needed to be improved to bring about better health.  This sounded strangely like I was going to need a diet.  I hate that word!!  It is difficult to read your own Tarot cards.  My rational side said a healthy diet and exercise will work.  My stupid side said the pills with no changes in diet will work.  I was leaning towards the pills.

A call to my friend Jess will clear all this up in no time.  Jess is also a Psychic.  I tell her that I am going to try a new diet.  I make no mention of Dr. Oz.  I was too embarrassed.  I said I just want to know if it will work. Will I lose any weight.  Jess tells me that I have to cut back on sugars and eat healthier. ( this sounds like my cards)  Jess continues... the outcome is totally up to you.  Now I know rationally that taking a pill will not fix this, but I try anyway.  Three weeks later, nothing happened.

I went through this routine 2 more times with Green Coffee Bean Extract and Garcinia Cambogia.  Jess is a true friend.  She never told me I was an idiot, but then I never told her I was using "miracle pills".

Then this past Summer the miracle happened.  I got a call from my friend Elaine.  We decided to get together.  We hadn't seen each other in a while.  Elaine is an Astrologer.  When we get together we read each others cards and Elaine fills me in on all things Astrological.  When the weekend rolled around I drove to Elaine's.  When I pulled up there was a woman standing in the driveway.  I didn't recognize her at first.  It was Elaine!  At least 30 pounds lighter.  My first thought was what pill is she taking?  Why didn't she let me know the secret?  It turns out she had let me know.  Every time we talked, Elaine told me she had cut back on fat and was eating healthier.  No starvation, no cleansing and still drinks wine!

Now I was really inspired.  I went home that afternoon with a new resolve to change my diet.  I did a combination of low carb and portion control washed down with a glass of Tarot Grenache wine.  I saw Elaine a week later.  I asked her if I was going to lose weight on my new diet.  I was afraid to read my own cards on this.  Elaine shuffled the deck and pulled out the Five of Pentacles.  My heart sank.  This is one of the most depressing cards in the deck.  All I could see was self doubt, problems, troubles, loss.  Then it hit me.  I was looking at the card to deeply.  The 5 of Pentacles can simply mean : you are about to experience loss!  Once again the cards were right.  I have lost 11 pounds.  I think I will start walking again and lose more weight.  The outcome is up to me.

Forget about all the bogus Dr. Oz diets.  Cut back on your carbs and fats. Indulge once in a while and still enjoy a glass of Tarot Grenache wine.  The pounds will melt away.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New Moon in Scorpio

Tomorrow we are in Scorpio with a New Moon in Scorpio! Scorpio is a sign of power.

A New Moon brings new beginnings.  Once again get your affirmations ready for new beginnings.

The one card reading for Scorpio and the New Moon:  The Empress

The Empress wears a crown with 12 stars symbolizing the 12 signs of the Zodiac.  The gown she wears is decorated with ripe pomegranates symbolizing fertility and sensuality.  The Empress is the creator of life, romance or business.  The fruit can mean fertility and pregnancy, but can also be a fruitful mind.  The Empress is the power of creation so she is the Mother of ideas!  Trust your intuition.  A new business idea will be fruitful.

The Empress represents all things beautiful or considered beautiful.  So this can mean someone having cosmetic surgery.

This card can mean you are having issues with you Mother or Mother figure.  It can simply mean juicy gossip.  This card is a good omen if you are trying to get pregnant.  Positive changes in attitude will bring success.

There is a warning to read all documents carefully and trust your feelings about them.  If you are writing documents, make sure your intentions are clearly understood.

You also need to manage your stress.  Upper back problems may be from stress.  A positive attitude is needed.  If you are longing for love, you need to open up to unconditional love.  If you find comfort in nature, take a walk, visit a garden, an aquarium.  Enjoy the peaceful feelings!

There may be some delays in your financial dealings, but the money will be coming.

Happy New Moon!

If you want a more personalized reading contact me at

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Happy Halloween and Happy Samhain

It's almost Halloween. The Halloween decorations are up.  Kids are getting their costumes ready.

Halloween has it's roots in Christianity and Paganism.  All Saints Day is November 1.  It was originally celebrated in May, but there are conflicting stories as to how it got moved to November 1. One story being that the Feast was moved to coincide with the Pagan holiday to convert the Pagans.  The other is that a Pope moved the date to coincide with the dedication of a church honoring the Saints.  The word halloween comes from hallow meaning holy or sanctified.  All Saints Eve or All Hallows Eve becomes Halloween.

Samhain, meaning Summers end, is an ancient Celtic celebration of the final harvest and the beginning of Winter. It is celebrated starting at sunset October 31.  The Celts believed the curtain between the living and the dead was lifted during Samhain letting the spirits roam around the living.

The one card reading for Halloween and Samhain:  The Chariot
The Chariot is victory through strength.  When the card is referring to a person, they will be strong willed.
The Chariot is ruled by the sign Cancer which is ruled by the Moon.  The moon stands for the ebb and flow of life.

The Chariot shows that you must take action to succeed.  The two crescent moons on the Charioteer's shoulders mean there is a new beginning at hand.  In order to bring about this new beginning you will need to harness your energies.  You may be lacking direction in your life.  You need to take control of the reins.  You may need to combine forces to regain control.  You can see in the card the the Charioteer has no reins. Willpower is how he controls the chariot.   Success will be attained as long as you maintain control.

This card can also mean winning a lawsuit or you may need to confront someone over a money issue.  If you are wondering which way to go, let go of doubt and success will come.  Don't let your fears guide you.  The Chariot is advancement through bold action.

The Chariot can just mean your transportation.  You could be getting a new car. Someone is going to pass their drivers test.  If you are wondering about travel or relocation the answer is yes.  Since it is Halloween and this card represents transportation, be very careful driving especially in the neighborhoods where all the little goblins will be trick or treating!

Happy Halloween and Happy Samhain!