Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Fun

Do you have any plans for Halloween?  If trick or treating is not on list of things to do, check out haunted hotels, restaurants or bars in your area.  Do some ghost watching!

Here in South Florida, there are quite a few places to find ghosts.  The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables Florida was built in 1925.  The War Department converted the hotel to a hospital during World War II.  Many soldiers were treated and died there.  In 1968 the Biltmore was restored to the grande hotel that it was.  It is said that the 13th floor of the Biltmore is  haunted by soldiers who were treated at the hospital.  On Sundays there is a tour of the property and if the rooms where hauntings have occurred are empty the guide will bring the tour there.

The closest to me is the Blue Anchor British Pub on 804 E Atlantic Ave in Delray Beach, Florida. The Blue Anchor was originally built in 1864 in London, England.  Yes, the United Kingdom.  The bar was closed to "put up a parking lot".  In 1996 the outside of the bar with it's beautiful windows and doors, was shipped to the United States and is the outside of present The Blue Anchor British Pub in Delray Beach.

The bar had a haunted history for more than one hundred years before coming to the U.S.  The Blue Anchor was haunted by a woman named Bertha Starkey.  Bertha was killed at the bar by her jealous husband after being caught with another man.

It seems that Bertha traveled the 4000 miles with the windows and doors and haunts the bar at it's present location in Delray Beach, FL.  I asked the bartender if she had seen the ghost.  No, she had not, but other employees had.

It is also told that in 1888 two of Jack the Rippers victims spent their last night drinking in the Blue Anchor.

Check out your area and see what's around you.  You might be surprised.

The one card reading for Halloween :  9 of Cups

The wish card!  This card brings many blessings and " No holds barred".  My first thought is about all the children trick or treating and getting all the candy they want!  Some kids like this better than Christmas.

The 9 of Cups is satisfaction on all levels.  As an answer the 9 of Cups means yes.  Nines represent completion and the start of a new cycle.  The number 9 can mean a nine month time period so this card can signal pregnancy.

This card shows enjoyment of life and all it has to offer, but remember too much of a good thing is can be dangerous.  The warning is not to enjoy too much!!  Drunkenness, gluttony, selfishness can result if not careful.

Satisfying romantic relationships come with this card.  You may want a new partner to start a new relationship better than you had before.

Luck will be with you if you are bartering.  You may receive a call about work or finances.  It will be good news.  You will get your wish, but it may take a different form than you thought.

Happy Halloween!

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