Saturday, April 18, 2015

Party For The A to Z Blogging Challenge

Are you the life of the party?  Maybe you are still looking for the party.  The Three of Cups is a party, a celebration.

This may be your regular get together with friends.  Since this card is also about healing this could mean a support group.    Friends will be supportive and you may find that you have more friends than you thought. This card may come up when someone has isolated themselves from others.  They may need the support of friends to pull them back.

A new beginning is at hand.  When this card comes up in a question about money it is always good.

I have seen this card come up with the death card and it was showing a funeral.  With other negative cards this can show someone has an alcohol or drug problem.  Maybe someone is partying too much.

If you have been stressed out at work it may be time to take a vacation.

In general, this card is about happy celebrations,  Memorial Day is coming up.  Get your grills ready and have a party and remember to always count your blessings.


  1. I'm taking the positive view...a party on Memorial Day sounds good. Love the infinity sign over his head. All new to me.

  2. I'm taking the positive view...a party on Memorial Day sounds good. Love the infinity sign over his head. All new to me.
